Continue Working From Anywhere


Create dictations on-the-go or from anywhere with the Structured Dictation App. Quickly and easily create new dictations and automatically upload recordings to your Structured Healthcare Server.

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Structured Dictation Features

Record & Playback

Simple is always good. The application features intuitive controls for playback and recording that everyone is familiar with.

Dictations History

The Dictations History area is your starting point. It provides a simple way to monitor your current and past dictations and to check on their statuses.

Set Priority

What if you need to say more? Structured Dictation provides several additional fields including details about a dictation, such as priority, type and more!

Seamless Uploads

After creating a dictation, the app will automatically and securely upload over any Wi-Fi connection right into the transcriptionists’ workflow. (Optional 3G/4G upload available)


Begin Dictating in Seconds

Structured Dictation's easy-to-use interface allows users to begin recording and uploading dictations in a matter of seconds after downloading the app to their phone or mobile device.